Tuesday, April 11, 2006

DID YOU KNOW.............?

* People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.
* On an average, half of all false teeth have some form of radioactivity.
* Despite the hump, a camel's spine is straight.
* Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.
* A bird 'chews' with its stomach.
* The U.S. motto, 'In God We Trust', was not adopted as the national slogan until 1956.
* Ducks will only lay eggs early in the morning.
* One cubic foot of gold weighs more than 1,200 pounds!
* A killer whale's heart beats 30 times a minute under water, 60 times a minute on the surface.
* Cats cannot taste sweet things.
* Up to the age of six or seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time. Adults cannot do this.
* Airports that are at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.
* Turkeys can reproduce without having sex.
* Jimmy Carter is the first U.S. President to have been born in a hospital.
* You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening!
* 25% of your bones are located in your feet.
* Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents.
* When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
* Males sweat 40% more than females.
* A kangaroo cannot jump if its tail is off the ground.
* Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints.

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